Cookies Policy


1. Regulatory framework for cookies

The purpose of this Cookies Policy is to inform you about the use of cookies, in compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR).

In GDPR, you may exercise your rights to access, amend and delete your data, as well as your rights to object to or limit any processing of them, by sending an email to:

For any disputes concerning the processing of your data, you may :

2. Purpose of this policy

This policy outlines your rights as a user of this website:

  • Right to information on the processing we carry out: Before you accept cookies, our website explains how they will be used in a clear and concise manner: personalised or non-personalised advertising, geolocalised advertising, content personalisation or information sharing with social media platforms.
  • Right to transparency: In addition to the information provided by our Cookies Manager, this Cookies Policy provides additional information, including the identity of all the entities that use the cookies and tracers that will be used and subject to your consent.
  • Your right to data protection: This relates to your personal data, confidentiality of communications and protection of your privacy.
  • The right to have your browsing choices respected on the basis of your consent. Cookies or tracers may not be installed on your browser before you have been informed of their existence and before you have given your unambiguous, informed and explicit consent to their installation.

3. What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small file stored by your device's web browser in a specific storage space while you browse a website. The storage of this file on your hard drive in no way means that your personal information is being disclosed.

We mainly use cookies to recognise you when you connect to our website again and to improve your user experience and present you with content that is likely to be relevant to you.

The law applies regardless of the type of device used: computers, smartphones, digital tablets and video game consoles connected to the Internet, as well as any other device connected to a telecommunications network open to the public.

Our use of cookies :

This Cookies Policy may be amended at any time. We therefore advise you to check this page regularly to stay informed.

During your visit, two types of cookies are placed by the website:

  • Necessary cookies. These are essential for the website to function (consent is not required).
  • Third-party cookies, intended to enhance the website's interactivity (consent required).

3.1 Necessary cookies

There are different types of cookies whose purpose is to:

  • Optimise your experience and facilitate your navigation on our website, in particular by determining your browsing path.
  • Keep a record of you seeing the information banner on cookies and continuing your browsing, thus consenting to the insertion of tracers on your device.
  • Remember your preferred language for browsing.
  • Supply an internal statistics tool.
  • Make the difference between humans and robots.

Technical cookies
Session cookies, display cookies... They enable you to access the platform while securing your personal data. They are essentially required for navigation, and are necessary for mobile applications. They give you access to all website or application functions and recognise you each time you visit. They help you remember your passwords, as well as the information you enter in a form on the website.

Audience measurement cookies
These cookies analyse the number of website visitors and identify any navigation problems. They enable online platforms to improve the quality and accessibility of their services. In practice, audience measurement cookies are used to measure the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

It is also possible to refuse the use of these cookies. Their lifetime is limited to thirteen months.

The consent banner cookie
The cookie banner is one of the applications that collect consent and inform users in accordance with GDPR.

On your first visit to the website, the cookie banner informs you that cookies are used and collects your consent.

This cookie allows you to simply:

  • Accept the storage of all cookies
  • Decline the storage of all cookies (except technical cookies)
  • Fine-tune and manage which cookies you accept or decline in detail
  • Access this Cookies Policy.

In all cases, you will be advised of the possible consequences of accepting or declining cookies and other tracers.

Although it is not required under GDPR, it is recommended that consent for cookies is renewed at regular intervals. After six months, the banner will be displayed again to ask you for your choices again.

3.2 Third-party cookies

Third-party cookies are cookies deposited on domains other than that of the main website, generally managed by third parties who have been approached by the website visited. These cookies may also be necessary for the proper functioning of the website, but their main purpose is to enable the third party to see which pages you have visited on the website and to collect information about it, notably for advertising purposes.

We use third-party cookies. Their purpose is to personalise and/or improve the content offered to you when you browse our website. Depending on the device you use, several third-party cookies may be stored, in particular :

  • for the use of social media platforms when you are logged in
  • to retrieve content from third-party websites
  • to geolocate the addresses you enter.

Social networking cookies

Social network cookies are placed by third parties. They enable you to share your opinion about our website or to share content on social media platforms.

Even if you have not used this sharing button while using our website, the social media platform providing this type of button is likely to identify you and follow your browsing of our website. To do this, you must be logged into your relevant social media account on the device you use during your browsing.

4. What cookies are used on this website?

  • allows you to share content on social media
  • retrieve fonts used on the site
  •,, : allows us to measure the website's audience
  • allows you to log into the website using your LinkedIn profile and import data into your profile
  • allows you to geolocate places on the website.

Declining statistical tracking and social media cookies does not prevent you from browsing our website.

You can use the links below to access the privacy policies of the relevant companies and exercise your right to object to these cookies:

5. How to manage your cookies

You can disable these cookies at any time. Your browser can also be set to notify you when cookies are placed on your computer and to ask you to accept them or not. You can accept or decline cookies on a case-by-case basis, or systematically decline them once and for all.

Please note that changing these settings may change your access conditions to our services requiring the use of cookies.

The settings for each browser are different. Please refer to your browser's help menu to find out how to change your cookie settings.

6. To find out more about tracker management

We encourage you to review the information provided by the Belgian Data Protection Authority on cookies.

For more information about our data processing practices, please consult our Privacy Policy.