Membership benefits

As a member of HEAL, your organisation will benefit from a range of services, including:

  • Access to EU policy makers and up-to-date information on developments through HEAL’s Brussels-based Secretariat coordination and expertise
  • Dissemination of your news within our network of key environment and health stakeholders in Europe and globally, including EU officials, national policy makers, research and scientific communities, journalists, NGOs and other community groups
  • Representation and collaborations on European and international fora through various partnerships with the World Health Organization, the European Commission, as well as NGOs involved in other sectors such as consumers, farmers, women’s groups, transport and so on
  • Health and environment updates to increase awareness on emerging health science, reports, policy discussions, conferences and other partner initiatives
  • Exchange with other organisations and individuals working on your issues: our alliance brings together a multitude of groups and experts from nearly 30 different countries
  • Opportunity to network with new partners, share your experiences and strategise on joint activities during our Annual General Assembly, frequent members-only webinars and other events
  • Participate in our virtual working groups, seminars, conferences and training sessions to learn and impart knowledge on activities, look for partners or expertise, and contribute to policy advocacy