HEAL Membership Application Form


Founded in 2003, the Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) is a leading European not-for-profit organisation addressing how the environment affects health in the European Union (EU). HEAL works to shape laws and policies that promote planetary and human health and protect those most affected by pollution, and raise awareness on the benefits of environmental action for health.

To learn more about the benefits of joining HEAL, please click here.


Who may join HEAL?

Membership to HEAL is open to non-governmental organisations and other not-for-profit organisations and professional bodies, whether local, regional, national, European or international, based in a country of the WHO European region. Applicants must be legally constituted pursuant to the laws and customs of their country of origin; have non profit-making purpose; and be independent of governments, political parties and commercial interests.

Two types of membership categories exist:

  1. Full members NGO: Non-governmental organisations for which environment and health links are a major area of Full members NGO have two votes at the Annual General Assembly.
  2. Full members NPO: Other not-for-profit organisations and professional bodies, such as educational and academic institutions; professional associations; statutory and non-statutory environment or health agencies; and regional, city and local authorities. Associate members NPO have one vote at the Annual General


Membership fee

The standard HEAL membership fee is €300 per year for both membership categories. Organisations    based in central and eastern European countries that are not EU Member States, are exempted from paying an annual membership fee.


Application form

To apply for membership, please complete the information below and send it back to us with your organisation’s statutes and annual accounts to info@env-health.org.


Personal details

Title *
Gender*  -   - 
Surname *
First name *
Date of birth *

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 that :
- The data requested in this form is collected by the Health and Environment Alliance.,
- the member si free to give partial informations
- the member has the right to obtain copy of informations concerning his profil from the Association and to ask to modify or delete any mention of it.