Become a member

HEAL membership is open to local, regional, national, European or international not-for-profit organisations.

HEAL has over 80 members, representing health professionals, not-for-profit health insurers, doctors, nurses, cancer and asthma groups, citizens, women’s groups, youth groups, environmental NGOs, scientists and public health institutes. Members include international and Europe-wide organisations, as well as national and local groups, representing over 200 million people across the 53 countries of the WHO European Region. Our broad membership allows us to pool expertise on our policy issues, widely disseminate information, amplify successes and create social and policy change.

Our members meet at least once a year for the Annual General Assembly (AGA) to review activities, discuss HEAL’s strategic aims and work plan, and approve the budget and membership applications. In addition, we run policy working groups related to the issues we work on which are facilitated through regular calls, webinars and face-to-face meetings.

HEAL offers two membership categories

  • Full members NGO: For non-governmental organisations for which environment and health links are a major area of interest. Full members NGO have two votes at the Annual General Assembly.
  • Full members NPO: For other not-for-profit organisations and professional bodies, such as educational and academic institutions; professional associations; statutory and non-statutory environment or health agencies; and regional, city and local authorities. Associate members NPO have one vote at the Annual General Assembly.

Who may join HEAL?

To be eligible for membership, an organisation must:

  • Be duly constituted pursuant to the laws and customs of the country where its seat is located
  • Be a not-for-profit organisation
  • Be independent of governments, political parties and commercial interests
  • Support the Health and Environment Alliance’s mission statement.

Why join HEAL?

  • Your organisation will be part of the independent voice on health and environmental issues in Europe.
  • You will have access to information about the latest developments in environment and health.
  • You will have opportunities to build networks and coalitions.
  • You will be able to showcase the work of your organisation on the European stage.

Annual membership fees

Annual membership fees are set by HEAL members at the annual meeting of the General Assembly each year for the following year. The current membership fee is 300 EUR per year for all membership categories.

While they are an important stream of revenue for HEAL, membership fees should not be a barrier to becoming or remaining a HEAL member. Members who are struggling financially may request a waiver or a reduction of their annual membership fee. These requests are brought to the Executive Committee for review and approval.

Organisations based in Central and Eastern European countries which are not Member States of the European Union, can be members of HEAL free of charge.

 Important note:  Membership fees are prorated depending on the time an organisation's membership application was approved by the General Assembly.

Membership application

Select the button below to submit a membership application on behalf of your organisation. You will need to provide detailed information about your organisation, including a copy of its statutes and its latest annual accounts. 

Once the application has been submitted, it will be reviewed by the HEAL secretariat and the Executive Committee before being considered by the General Assembly at one of its meetings (in June and October each year).